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The Workshop

Did you know we can transform trauma into innovation?
Welcome to Milton Outreach Ministries, where healing meets hope!
We’re building a brighter future for children in foster care.


Our 12-month program is all about rediscovering joy and stability.
We focus on trauma-informed care. Why? Because it’s effective and compassionate.

First, Trauma-Informed Counselling

Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM) | Teenagers and laptop

What does that mean?
It's about personalized care plans using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
We also use Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI).
This helps manage sleeplessness, anxiety, and PTSD.
Early intervention is key for long-term well-being.

Next, Life Skills "The Workshop."

Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM) | Girls and visual

Sounds fun, right?
Kids learn coding, digital marketing, and even robotics!
It’s hands-on and prepares them for the future.
We turn learning into a confidence-building adventure.

Community Integration is up next!

Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM) | Little girl and robotics

Weekly fun activities boost social skills and friendships.
Kids get to bond over community service and outings.
It's all about feeling included and building resilience.

Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM) | Teacher children and flat screen

And let’s not forget Parent/Caregiver Support.

Parents and caregivers, we’re here for you too.
Bi-monthly sessions strengthen family attachments.
We provide strategies to cope with mental health challenges.
Everyone’s involved in this healing journey.

It’s about creating a support network.

Our program isn’t just therapy; it’s a new beginning.

We tackle individual and social needs for holistic growth.
Ready to join a community where every child feels safe and loved?

Our mission is to empower and uplift.
Imagine a place where challenges turn into strength.
We’re not just changing lives; we’re creating a future.
So, are you with us on this mission?
Let’s build a safer, more inclusive world for our youth.
Every child deserves a chance to thrive.
Together, let's transform trauma into triumph.

Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM) | Boy looking at poster
Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM) | Holding Hands

What can you do today to support a child in your community?

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Comment below if you have questions or want to learn more.

Let’s create a conversation about resilience and healing.

Together, we can make a difference.

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