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Agency Overview:

At Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM), our primary goal is to provide comprehensive services to foster the healthy development of children and youth in our community. We achieve this by creating a safe and empowering environment where every child can thrive. Our services are personalized to help individuals identify the root causes of their trauma or pain and equip them with effective coping mechanisms.
We offer evidence-based treatment modalities such as individual and family therapy, therapeutic interventions, substance abuse treatment, addressing criminal delinquent behaviors, and psychoeducation. We strongly believe in the importance of involving parents or primary caregivers in the process, as their active engagement has shown to yield better outcomes.
But we understand that therapy alone is not sufficient. We also focus on providing normative experiences for our participants. This includes engaging them in extracurricular activities, providing bonding time with peers, and offering mentorship from trusted adults who can provide guidance and support.
To ensure accessibility, we conduct our services face-to-face across various settings, including homes, community centers, treatment facilities, and academic environments. By taking this proactive approach, we can ensure that help reaches those who need it most, rather than waiting for them to seek it.
Our commitment at Milton Outreach Ministries is to address the daunting challenges faced by children and youth in Vinton, Louisiana, with compassion, expertise, and unwavering dedication. We aim to create a brighter future where every child, regardless of their past or present circumstances, feels loved, cherished, and has access to opportunities that will empower them to lead fulfilled and successful lives.

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