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Welcome To

Milton Outreach Ministries

Serving Children, Adults, and Families who have experienced trauma.

About Us

At Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM),

Our customers at Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM) primarily consist of children who have been displaced or are at risk of entering the foster care system. We provide a unique and comprehensive range of services to meet their needs. For youth in foster care or at risk of being placed out of their homes, we offer therapeutic services such as individual and family counseling. Our dedicated clinicians incorporate evidence-based treatment modalities with a focus on trauma-focused care. This allows us to address their needs effectively.
In addition to counseling, we believe in the importance of holistic support. We encourage these young people to build confidence, learn team-building skills, and develop stronger relationships through participation in extra-curricular activities. To enable their involvement, we provide financial stipends so they can engage in these activities and have access to the necessary equipment, supplies, or gear.
One of our main goals is to support reunification efforts, so we offer trauma-focused family counseling and parenting training to biological parents, foster parents, and kinship caregivers. We understand the need to provide therapeutic services for biological parents who have had their children removed from their custody. We also offer skill-building training and parenting programs to ensure comprehensive support for the whole family.
In addition to our work with children in the foster care system, we also focus on providing trauma-focused care to victims of sex trafficking and domestic abuse. Our specialized clinicians offer trauma-based counseling to program recipients and provide additional support for skill-building and housing. We also address functional deficits through therapeutic treatment programs.
By offering this range of services, we aim to help individuals process trauma, develop coping mechanisms, and manage their symptoms and deficits. Our person-centered and tailored approach, incorporating evidence-based, trauma-focused treatment modalities, ensures that our clients receive the most effective care. We are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve and providing the necessary support for healing, growth, and empowerment.

Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM) | Trauma-focused care
Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM) | Trauma-focused care
Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM) | Trauma-focused care

Official Mission

Our mission at Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM)

Our mission at Milton Outreach Ministries (MOM) is to use root cause therapeutic analysis to change the trajectory of an individual's life. We help individuals identify the source of trauma or pain and provide them with the skills and coping mechanisms needed to live, grow, learn, and love in communities of their choice. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to heal and thrive, and we are dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey towards empowerment and fulfillment. Through our comprehensive range of services, we aim to make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve and create a lasting difference in their well-being and overall quality of life. We are deeply committed to providing person-centered care and promoting mental health and well-being for all individuals, regardless of their ability to pay. Our goal is to create a community where everyone has access to high-quality, culturally competent services. We value inclusiveness and cultural competence at all levels of our work, and we believe that broad-based citizen participation is essential for the success of our services.

We believe that

Mental and physical health are essential to the development and realization of every person’s full potential.

Sufficient resources need to be applied to a complete range of mental health and developmental disability services

People with mental illnesses, functional and cognitive deficits can recover and live healthy and productive lives.

Children Praying

Serving Children, Adults, and Families who have experienced trauma.

Healing Starts Here.
Therapeutic Housing Training Counseling Financial Stipends

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